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Get away with it in a sentence

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Sentence count:38+4Posted:2018-06-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: get away withget away with murderdo away withrun away withmake away withstay withplay withplay with fire
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31, No one was going to call him a jackass and get away with it. "
32, No one was going to call him jackass and get away with it.
33, She was jolly well not going to let them get away with it.
34, She scavenged chicken bones from the plates of her friends at summer barbeques in the Catskills and anywhere else she could get away with it.
35, Kitty: Do you think you can get away with it?
36, And the repeated, unabashed character of his nose-thumbing is encouraging others with nuclear ambitions to think they could get away with it too.
37, Marlowe: Uh - huh. I usually get away with it too.
38, There were irrefutable proofs; he can't get away with it this time.
More similar words: get away withget away with murderdo away withrun away withmake away withstay withplay withplay with fireget with ithither and thitherget awaygetawaytoy withally withdally withvary withcomply within company withbe busy withthitheridentify within harmony withkeep company within sympathy withwithinwith thishit it off withwithdrawalwithin callhaywire
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